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Highlight &/or Add Bubble to Highlight Status Codes Not Equal to 200 for Raw Data Tab in Replay

When we're reviewing the raw data, it is difficult to quickly identify where an error is occurring. A typical session will have ~100 urls listed in raw data and we currently must click thru each one to find a specific error. It would be a great help if IBM could do something that would draw attention to an error. For example, if we had an api with a status_code=422 or something, it would be great if the text in the left nav of raw data turned red or if a bubble would pop to the right side of the left nav box listing the status code. Doing this would dramatically increase our ability to review and troubleshoot customer sessions.

Screenshots of what we're describing have been submitted to our IBM support team.

  • Guest
  • Feb 28 2020
  • Under consideration
What is your industry? Telecommunications
What is the idea priority? High