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Improved Search

This RFE will include multiple search improvments:

1) When we replay a session in the json/response/replay view there should be a flag indicating which hit relates to my search - both at the Hit number and then when that is expanded, the UI related to the search

2) ability to share a search with a co-worker

3) ability to set a flag on and off on your account to never/always save the last search parameters, and then when you update search parameters the saved parameters gets updated. So I don't have to select the same application every time, and if I sort by session start time or URL that gets saved when I go back to the search results and for the next search I do - highlight the columns to make it clear they are not on their default.. and make clear with an arrow for descending start time and screen view counts, etc.

4) ability to see saved searches at the top of home page so you can go right back to your search

5) on the search box, on the home page, have select box for application name and allow that field to be submitted with enter/return key

  • Guest
  • Feb 28 2020
  • Shipped
What is your industry? Non-Industry Specific
What is the idea priority? High
  • Karl Wehr commented
    March 25, 2021 14:04


    Can someone please explain the status of Shipped. I dont see that item 1) is currently available? [When we replay a session in the json/response/replay view there should be a flag indicating which hit relates to my search - both at the Hit number and then when that is expanded, the UI related to the search ] Thank You

  • +2