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Incorporate Event Tester into Session Replay

A session replay is needed to use the the event tester, however it's extremely difficult to pinpoint where in the session the event is being fired as the hit/step numbers in event tester do not correspond to the step numbers in the session replay raw data. Seeing where the event takes place in the replay, either by being flagged in the list of steps or even in the progress bar of the video controls, would make testing much easier. It would also eliminate the need to switch between two separate tabs. This would also be helpful when doing a session search based on an event, as you could then pull that event into the individual session replay to skip ahead to the exact moment the event fires without having to read through all the raw data.

  • Nicole Singleton
  • Jan 3 2022
How will this idea be used?

Use case 1: I've used session search to filter the results down to sessions where a particular event has fired. I select one of the sessions to replay, and need to see exactly where the event has fired. Currently I have to read through all the individual steps or watch the session to identify when the event has occurred, where it would be helpful to select that event to flag/skip ahead to the exact step when it fires.

Use case 2: I'm creating a new event and the event tester shows the event firing an unexpected number of times. Since the step numbers in event tester don't match the step numbers in session replay, it's difficult to pinpoint why the event isn't firing as expected. Being able to see where the events are firing would be extremely helpful in tracking down the issue with the event setup.

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