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Object count visibility in programs at all times

At present, we only get a warning as to the number of objects used in a program when we get to 80 out of 100.

This means that, often too late, we might realise that we aren't going to have enough objects to complete a program and have to go back to the drawing board to split the program functionality into multipple programs. This is easily done, especially if you underestimate how many objects a single object uses eg decision points and segmentation points.

I think it would be an easy win to simply give visibility to the number of objects used at all times.

  • Guest
  • Feb 26 2020
  • In development
What is your industry? Consumer Products
What is the idea priority? Medium
  • Diane Bowman commented
    5 May, 2020 08:47pm

    Thank you for the idea! We are actually increasing the number of allowed objects to 200 tonight. The same notification cadence, at 80% and then countdowns from there is still the same with the new expanded limit. However, we have plans to update our panels to include more real time status - this likely fits into that work planned for later this year.

  • +3