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Watson Assistant, Tealeaf Search API Integration

I am suggesting an IBM Watson Assistant and Tealeaf integration, where someone could chat with a Watson Assistant and say "Find me the session for Log ID abcdef123456" and the Assistant would say "Now searching...." "Found 1 session that matches your criteria: Click here for your search results.

For On Premise, one first suggested integration with IBM Watson Assistant might be a Tealeaf search integration. See below for a use case. But essentially it would be a two part integration. First On Premise would need a Search API, where a search parameter could be fed in, and a JSON would be returned with the static link to the search results, maybe include a count of how many sessions were found (integer). The second piece would be a Watson Assistant snap-in to create an Entity identifier and intent identifier, so when someone chatted with Watson, it would understand "find, search, etc" and then match the provided value as a search parameter. Assistant code would have configuration for the IP address, connection string and keys to access an opened API in enterprise firewall, to a proxy to the Tealeaf on-prem system.

Security, this is not too sensitive, as the search parameters in would be encrypted, and would only initiate a search, but return only internal Tealeaf platform links that are only of use inside a company intranet. Data classification would be "internal company info", and not very sensitive though the connection strings and data passed would be encrypted.

  • Dieter Davis
  • Feb 28 2020
  • Under consideration
What is your industry? Banking
What is the idea priority? Medium