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Add Known Useful Advanced Events to the On-Prem Product

I would say there is a value to implementing the best advanced events in our base product along with documentation on how to use them. However, I envisioning this inclusion to be something of a development project:

1. Collect advanced event feedback from each of the PS persons that use it. This would include feedback from Kip, Kevin, and Dan Carter at a minimum.
2. Collect instructions for implementing and using the advanced events.
3. Implement, validate, test, and correct/improve the advanced events.
4. Implement many, if not all, of these in the basic TeaLeaf on-prem product.
Add documentation for how to use use the advanced events.

Also, this concept should be applied to our SaaS product. I, for one, feel this is long overdue and should be on the product improvement timeline.

  • Guest
  • Feb 28 2020
What is your industry? Other
What is the idea priority? Medium