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Auto-patching by template server

The current patching process for Tealeaf servers is time consuming and introduces many chances for error. Open files, slow process shutdown, etc., can make patching several servers a time consuming and difficult process.

Similar to how TMS can auto-patch itself based on the build number of the master service, it would be helpful if patching were made a part of the nightly cycle.

A recommendation: Allow the 'Portal/TMS Master' server to provide a template for software patching, and have secondary servers patch themselves during their nightly cycle. The patch status should be scheduled, so for example only selected HBRs or Canisters will pick up the new build. Upon validation, remaining servers can be enabled for the nightly update.

  • Eric Stamper
  • Mar 18 2021
How will this idea be used?

This idea will improve the maintainability of Tealeaf on-premises and reduce the risk for patch deployment.

What is your industry? Healthcare
What is the idea priority? High