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New message composer save whole block

Currently you can save individual elements in the new drag and drop editor. However, you can't save the whole block so if you have a number of elements in one row you have to save individually and then place side by side.

  • Richard Wilkinson-Iles
  • Jun 9 2020
  • In development
How will this idea be used?

When building an email in the new message composer, a saved block (rather than saved elements) can be loaded from the saved library so a whole block can be used. (See apps like Chamailion which have this)

What is your industry? Other
What is the idea priority? Medium
  • Jul 23, 2020

    Admin response

    Thank you for submitting this idea. The ability to save an entire block in the Message Composer will be available a little later this year.

    We will update this idea once it is live in Message Composer.


    Patrice Byas

    Offering Manager

  • Tim Fitzpatrick commented
    27 Nov, 2023 02:32pm

    Was this ever implemented?