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BETA Content Library Asset Folders

In reference to the new BETA email campaign builder and content library - After uploading assets into the content library, you can find these using different tags. It would be nice if assets could also be sorted into folders relevant to specific email campaigns we create. Any/all assets for one email campaign could be under one folder and viewable all at once. When you have multiple staff in an organization all using the same content library, assets could accidentally be taken and misused in emails other than the campaign they were designed for. By creating folders organizing campaign specific related assets, it will be more distinguishable to other users, that these are not to be altered/deleted/used without permission.

  • firstName lastName
  • Nov 13 2020
  • Likely to implement
How will this idea be used?

As an email campaign designer, it would be time saving to have all relevant imagery for a specific email campaign organized into one folder, rather than having to search using tags for each image every time. Before creating an email campaign, I could create a folder in the content library and upload all relevant assets. When I create a new email campaign, and add an image, It would be more efficient to then access the folder I created, and have all relevant assets in view at once.

What is your industry? Other
What is the idea priority? High
  • Nov 18, 2020

    Admin response

    Thank you for your feedback! We have heard this input from other customers in our Message Composer Beta group and we are planning to implement this before Message Composer fully launches for General Availability.

  • Maureen Johnson commented
    January 22, 2024 18:46

    What's the status of this item? This would help a great deal.