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Extend the REST API for Contact Messages to make Days a variable

The rest API for Contact messages returns the messages for the User but only the last 31 days.
It would be very helpful to make either the days a variable or display all messages in the APIs return.

  • Andreas Kreicy
  • Mar 4 2024
How will this idea be used?

Since the ListRecipientmailings XML API only returns the Messages attached to specific events, using this Rest API could return me the "other" mailings for the User not associated to an event - (non opened mailings).
But it only returns the last 31 days - if this could be changed into a variable, or have a start / end date like ListRecipientMailings - that would make a huge difference.
If it returned opens, clicks a.s.o it would be even more usable, since the rest api is super fast and i really like working with it.

What is your industry? Marketing & Public Opinion Research
What is the idea priority? High
  • Vivek Mittal commented
    April 15, 2024 07:27

    Second this request. We need a way to get a list of all mailings to a user. Not just 31 days or not just those associated with an event. We need ALL mailings.