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Expand the limit of the new programs

Today, programs have only 100 objects limit into the same program. Our customers make complex programs and it is easy to take this 100 object limit so we will force to split the program into various.

  • Diego de Arriandiaga
  • Feb 26 2020
  • Shipped
What is your industry? Professional Services
What is the idea priority? Urgent
  • Diane Bowman commented
    May 05, 2020 20:58

    We have increased the limit to 200 objects. As the number of objects increases, you may see some slowness in response in the UI, we are aware and looking to improve. Users will be notified on the canvas when they reach the 80% used, and we provide additional notifications as you get closer to the new current limit.. UI responsiveness does not impact the speed of program execution once active. Deploying today/tonght!

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