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Increase font types

There is a request to improve the message composer.

There are very few font types, so we would like you to increase it.

we used to source code on content builder. However, message composer cannot edit the source code when creating templete by drag and drop, so We would like you to improve the function such as increasing the number of fonts that can be selected.

  • risa hirai
  • Sep 7 2020
  • In development
How will this idea be used?

The more fonts there are, we can create rich contents

What is your industry? Construction / Architecture / Engineering
What is the idea priority? High
  • 華恵 田中 commented
    12 Jul, 2023 03:03am

    Even if the status changes, I think there is no feature update.

    Could you tell me the roadmap?

    I would like to be able to use at least the following fonts.

    ・ MS P Gothic

    ・ Hiragino Kaku Gothic

    ・ Yu Gothic

    ・ Meiryo

    I would like you to add a font that supports Japanese

  • Karen Buxton commented
    24 May, 2023 03:31am

    Add all Google fonts please understanding these only render for supporting clients and fallback will be used otherwise.

  • 華恵 田中 commented
    18 Oct, 2021 05:52am

    For Admin:

    This idea is Message Composer on Acoustic Campaign.

  • Camp team commented
    22 Sep, 2021 02:12am

    I want you to add these four fonts.

    Could you add these four?

    ・ MS P Gothic

    ・ Hiragino Kaku Gothic

    ・ Yu Gothic

    ・ Meiryo

    Thank you.