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Generate unique URL's for each dashboard tab so they can be directly linked

This request came in from a customer account and seemed interesting and of use for other customers.

Here's a practical example:

For instance, we can link directly to a dashboard's default tab:

But currently there is not a way to link directly to a specific tab that is not the default tab. For example:

The use case for this is a rotating dashboard used for monitoring: using a browser plugin we would want to show each tab for 30 seconds, and then show the next tab. If each tab has a unique URL then we could easily do this.

I know we could consider a work-around, by creating each tab as its own dashboard. But this would be some duplicate work.

  • Guest
  • Feb 28 2020
What is your industry? Banking
What is the idea priority? Medium
  • Admin
    Beat Hangartner commented
    20 Nov, 2020 03:37pm

    We would like to understand whether there are additional use cases to this.

  • +4