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Support dynamic content and personalization in Subject lines in Automated messages

Neither message scripting or the conventional Dynamic Rulesets are available in the Subject line of the Automated message mailing template.

Dynamic subjet lines is a standard ESP feature, understood as a successful tactic to drive open rates, and which is accordingly demanded by our customers.

Personalization conveys the authenticity of the email sender, and allows for effective copywriting in the modern marketing environment.

Dynamic Content would allow us to make a dynamic email to prevent trivial content variation from requiring 2 separate Automated Message groups, duplicating upstream integration development effort.

Together they help make emails more engaging, more authentic, and less expensive. It makes our customer's very happy when we can make a campaign and our campaign development process and solution smarter. In this case, this is one of those features which both they and we expect.

  • Guest
  • Feb 26 2020
  • Future consideration
What is your industry? Other
What is the idea priority? Urgent