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Access contact status in the new program interface

In the old program interface, we used to be able to access contact status from our customers. We could then know in which track a given customer were sitting. This proved to be very useful to check our programs were behaving as expected.

Unfortunately, this is not available in the new interface. We believe this would be very beneficial to have this feature back.

  • Guest
  • Feb 26 2020
  • In development
What is your industry? Retail
What is the idea priority? High
  • Diane Bowman commented
    14 May, 2020 04:25pm

    We agree and are targeting this for later this year, to add the Find Contact and Export all abilities. However,in the meantime, you could use any of the new export steps today, placed within your flow to create a list of contacts, then send that list daily to your stored files and/or Campaign SFTP folder.

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